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Showing posts from April, 2019


My loves

Yes (well for me ha ha)

A quick reminder mama's

My everything

Written by a man!

"As men, we often take for granted the ultimate sacrifice women have to make during her pregnancy process. Her body will go through unbelievable changes; she will be at risk of several different serious health issues. Her eating habits will increase, have mood swings and her sleeping patterns will adjust. Her self esteem will take a hit and, most importantly her life will be at risk! But we unfairly expect her body to snap back in place as if she was the mother of the incredibles. She will be left with battle scars that she will try to hide. She will struggle everyday with the feeling of "if i'm attractive enough ". The reality is.... She has sacrificed her body and vanity to bring a life into this world!  We should cherish her, compliment her daily and let her know that she is even more beautiful now than before". Pregnant with Persia


Reading between the lines


Beauty of life

I'm a survivor


It's a journey, not a competition

Our forever journey together

Pieces or Peace

The one who loves you the most

Jeremiah 29:12-13 ; "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Bernard Hopkins

The love of my life

So in love with you my princess

Katy Perry

Nikki Bella

The moon and sun

Follow my auntie on i.g

Easter joke

Happy or wise

Khloe Kardashian

Henry B. Eyring

Single mothers

Our Queen

Dream diaries

Aunties 16/1/2009   My auntie Lia lived temporarily next door to auntie Fiona. One night I was sleeping at auntie Helen's house; My brother Niko was on his way to Fiona's house with a PS2 controller and said to me "let the boys know". Sheldon was asleep while i was watching t.v and i noticed i had bruises on my hands! The next morning; Helen arrived home angry at me saying "i always sleep there to see Sheldon", "I didn't  know he was sleeping over" i said and left to Lia's house. When i arrived there; my cousin Epenesa and i, had to make Lia and our auntie Pisa a cup of coffee. Epenesa added a bit of salt into their coffee and said "that's what Americans do"! Lia got a phone call from Helen and had her on loud-speaker; they were talking about me and then Lia also upset with me.

Remember to cherish good people

My favourite people

Real love

U & I = love

Never give up

Dwayne  Johnson


To my child, when i forget to feel lucky

My greatest blessing

Nikki Bella


My daughter's christening Follow my cousin in-law on i.g

R. Reddy

Khloe Kardashian

Give God the pieces

Real wo/mama

So true

Thank you God

Beauty of life

Children are precious

My precious baby Persia

Play date with P & K P and K Good morning Nap time Bubble bath time ice block for a beautiful hot day Paw patrol fans Persia and Kobe