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Showing posts from August, 2019

Know a person before you judge them

Happy spouse, happy house

Later in marriage when you hit parenthood, you'll realise what you really wish for in your spouse is not big money or 'six-pack'. A pretty face and a good bank account are nice to have but at the end of the day, there's so much more you should be looking for. At 3am when your child is crying, and your eyes are heavy and your body is weak, it will not be how he looks or what he owns that will matter. It'll be the compassion in his heart and the love for you in his soul that push him out of the bed to attend the child immediately and tell you, "Go back to sleep, love. I've got this". If I could tell the younger people what to consider in a companion, I would say marry the man who will be the best father for your children. The man who will put you and your little family first, above all else. The man who is as responsible as you are in raising a family because you both are in it together. In short, marry the person who will set a standard for a spouse in...

My lioness

my fierce princess

To all the mothers

 Who don't look the way they used to... That don't feel as confident as they used too. Who's photos are of their beautiful babies instead of selfies because you can't find a filter to fix the tired eyes or get a decent angle anymore. To all the mothers that feel like they have lost their identity. All those who feel like they have lost friends along the way. To the ones who forget what day of the week it is and can't remember the last time you had a bath or toilet break alone.  I just want to tell you that you are amazing! So strong and beautiful. And that it's okay to cry and crave just 20 minutes alone. You are a superstar; even if you don't always feel like it. Being a mum is hard work and constant. Every day you make it work and get up the next day to do it all again. Be proud of yourself. Every day you become stronger and more inspiring to other mamas just trying to keep it together too. Go Be Your Own Warrior šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ She's worth all th...


CHOOSE WISELY!  A godmother Is NOT A FEMALE who promotes your child all day on social media. A godmother is not someone who brought the best or biggest gift for your child. A godmother is the next guardian in line who can care, provide and be there unconditionally for your child !!! STOP MAKING THESE YOUNG girls your child's godparent. A 17 year old; off in the streets or going to college will not change or stop their lives for your baby! A godmother should be someone who thinks of your child as their own, and don't need a stamp time or date to do anything for your child. Find someone who has helped you through your hardships in life and will be there if anything was to ever happen to you as parent. sister in-law (2nd godmother)