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Showing posts from February, 2020
Not so little now bro Where did the time go! The youngest out of the siblings, a.k.a the baby. My first like child ha ha, You remind me of myself, well behaved, introverts, annoyed with things that is irrelevant in life or us in general. And my daughters favourite uncle since birth. Everytime we ask her, what her bestfriends name is; its always "Leeroy". The reason she is asking for a brother now lol. Watching you grow has been... easy breezy because you've been a good boy since the moment mom brang you home from the hospital up until now! The only problem who've ever had, was not liking school (like me too) ha ha besides our friends. We hope you have an awesome day at school, Sheldon, Persia and i love you! Can't wait to celebrate this weekend with you and the family. mom with her kids bestfriends sheldon and lee manoƶ huch farewell dinner aquasplash siblings favourite uncle lil man ...