I was standing at the edge of the water in the city; across the other side of the water was another city. The city i was at had three tornadoes heading towards us; then it started to rain, i was with my brother Niko and my cousins Pj, Epenesa, Tui and Jessica. Everyone round us was panicking; we started debating whether we should swim across to the opposite city, i didn't want too so i stayed behind while they left and the tornado suddenly was heading in the same direction as them! I was worried for them because there was nothing i could do; so i started praying and when i was done praying, i opened my eyes and i was on a boat. I went out on the boat and managed to catch up to my family; we safely made it back to the shore, then everything around me was so white and bright. Then i was suddenly at a supermarket with Jessica; a voice on an intercom said "those who want to leave, head towards the elevator and the aliens will take you home". I said "no way; i don't trust them"; but Jessica went and i never saw her again.
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