Bitch fit
I was in a classroom with my classmates from different schools i went too; Ferguson intermediate, James Cook high school. The twins Anton and Jordan Samupo, Bianca, Ashley and my cousin Daniel. Our teacher was one of my classmates; Sia Matai, our class had shared lunch. I was annoyed because everyone was chewing with their mouth open; so they started teasing me (except for my cousin) but i ignored them until it was home time, I've finally had enough and lost it! I said to everyone "The world is ending soon bitches and i wish yous all a fucking painful death that will make yous suffer"!. The teacher got upset and said "I'm going to smack you're bottom"; i ran off and she started chasing me, calling me a "stupid bitch"!. I laughed and said "thank you" and pretended it was a compliment, i called my sister Celina to say i was on my way home.
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