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Dear first time mother's

#Repost  - @BUMP BABY + CO

When you become a mum the first time...

  • some people may push you to do things their way. 
  • Make you think your clueless & you will deal with a lot of unnecessary bullshit, judgement & opinions! 
because everyone seems to have an opinion about whatā€™s best & what is wrong or offensive. You will feel completely overwhelmed & exhausted but honestly I never a met a new mum who hasnā€™t.
  • You breastfeed in public, itā€™s offensive.
  • You breastfeed your child for what people consider is to long itā€™s offensive.
  • You donā€™t breastfeed for long enough, youā€™re not trying hard enough.
  • You bottle feed itā€™s offensive.
  • You co-sleep itā€™s offensive.
  • You have a routine youā€™re to controlling.
  • You have a natural birth youā€™re trying to be to much of a hero.
  • You have a cesarean & youā€™reā€œtoo posh to pushā€.
  • You have lost your baby weight to fast.
  • You havenā€™t lost your baby weight fast enough.
  • Youā€™re a stay at home mum, youā€™ve given up all your dreams.
  • Youā€™re a working mum & youā€™re selfish.
Seriously this is a never-ending list & there is always going to be someone offended or judgemental when it comes to the choices you make as a mother. The biggest lesson I have learnt & the best advice I can give you as a first time Mum is ā€œPROTECT YOUR ENERGYā€.
You donā€™t owe anyone an explanation for the choices you make. People will judge you no matter what you do but you have the power & you have the right to do what works for you & your baby.
So enjoy this roller coaster ride, there will be a lot of ups & downs but I promise you itā€™s one bloody amazing ride!!!.
Love from a Momma whoā€™s been there!!! Xx.


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