Blood isn't thicker than water!
My cousins planned a cousin vacation; so we brang our partners and kids with us. My brother Niko and some of my cousins Daniel, George (Gancho) Jessica and Lynn were there. Jess and i got into an argument after she made a sly comment towards me about Sheldon and i said "fuck up you bitch"! Everyone told us to peace it so i left it and walked to my room to unpack, then as i was feeding my daughter; Ganch and Lynn walked in to tell me that her sister Jessica admitted everything to her! "Aw yeah, Jess said she did hit on Sheldon on that night of party and she WAS trying to get with him" Lynn said, i said "yeah i already know all of this because Sheldon told me when he came home that night; so i know Jess already knows that i know everything she did! And that is why we stopped talking to each other.
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