Dr daddy |
Daddy cutting the cord |
Our daughter and i are very lucky and grateful to have this amazing man in our lives! I can remember this day (or should i say few days LoL) as if it were yesterday; Thursday evening he finished work and took me straight to the hospital because my midwife Bev Hyde said that I've developed preeclampsia, my water didn't break until Friday at 4:30pm and i didn't fully dilate until Saturday at 5:17am! No epidural, no food since Thursday and broken naps later...it only took me 13 minutes to push!! (apparently the fastest record according to my midwives that night). During those 13 minutes; Persia's heart rate was slowing down; so as a new mom, i was worried and when she finally arrived (with the help from her daddy) I was expecting to hear her cry (like most babies do) but she had her umbilical cord wrapped twice around her neck! After they unwrapped it around her tiny precious neck, she opened her eyes and was frowning at everyone for disturbing her nap ( ha ha). The cutest frown I've ever seen (she still does it til this day and we still love it as much as the first time she frowned). Skin to skin is such a beautiful and rare experience and we are thankful to God for his gift to us (whom arrived 5 days earlier than her due date/ which was suppose to be on her daddy's birthday). We will love you forever our princess.
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