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Showing posts from December, 2018

Dream diaries

PMO 6/9/2018 I was sitting with Sheldon; out of the blues my cousin Jessica came to sit on the other side of Sheldon and thought it   would be funny to put her legs on him! Sheldon pushed her legs off and i got mad and said "we're leaving"!  My dream changed ; i went for a jog to clear my head.

We all hurt differently

Happy birthday Kris

Boxing Day Cousin Kris Kahui Happy b-day little cousin, i hope you are doing well in Australia; no doubt your big sister has organised something today. Lots of love from your family in NZ.

Daddy and princess time

Summer has finally arrived. water baby It's been a wet summer here in New Zealand! Having some fun in the sun while it's out. indoor pool showers Water babies

Time and love are priceless

Proud to be a woman


X-mas 2018

Merry Christmas everyone from us and our princess! Happy Birthday Jesus! Thank you to everyone that got her gifts, she loves them all! She is one lucky girl.

Dream diaries

Should we be more worried about the shark or bf? 2/7/2015 Sheldon and i were in Australia visiting my cousins and their mum; aunty Helen. Mercedez was swimming in the  water and suddenly she was surrounded by sharks! She slowly drifted back to the shore on a boogie board; we  told her "quickly get out of the water". The conversation somehow changed to everyone finding out that Mercedez  secretly had a boyfriend!  My dream changed ; i bumped into my ex-boyfriend Aaron. Everything around me changed and i was standing  outside a pub! Sheldon walked out the doors intoxicated.

Dream diaries

In labour 22/6/2015 I was in a hospital ready to give birth; i was upset that my brother Niko wasn't there!  So i tried to video call him before i  called my auntie Helen and her kids. (This actually happened on the day i gave birth to my daughter in 2016)


One of my favourite costumes from Kim Kardashian


Not usually a fan of white clothing; but i love this dress!

Young love




Me and daddy


Dream diaries

Near death experience 12/9/2009 I was with my cousins Dylan, Jessica, Phoebe and her mum Alisi at the pools. "Come and eat" said Alisi, so we swam to the stairs to get out. When it was my turn; someone pulled me under the water and tried to drown me!

Dream diaries

Epic fail 9/9/2009 I was with my cousin Phoebe; i gave her my bag to hold before we went for a walk, we stopped at a party and i asked for my bag. "I left it in my moms car" she said; so we went back to her house without knowing a bunch of teenagers followed us and tried to steal Phoebe's car! The teenagers got a shock when the entire family came from the back of the house and went after them.

Dream diaries

History 27/8/2009 There was a family gathering at my mom's house; everyone was taking turns at holding my niece Kamya. An unknown person came over to talk about the history of our house.

Dream diaries

So much blood! 24/8/2009 I went to the loo and when i went to wipe below; i was bleeding a lot! ( So true when i was in the early stages of my pregnancy; i thought i was having a miscarriage!)

Dream diaries

Strange occurences 12/8/2009 My mouth was bleeding. My dream changed; i was with my sister Celina, the lights suddenly went out for a while! The darkness eventually faded and i was sleeping next to Sheldon.

Dream diaries

Chris Brown 25/7/2009 I was playing a game; similar to soccer, Sheldon and i got put in the same team. We challenged a team that had Chris Brown! He tried to be funny; but no-one laughed.

Dream diaries

Moving in? 22/7/2009 I was with my auntie Maota and two of my cousins, Epenesa and Laumata; helping them move to their new house. But, when i moved some of their belongings into the room; i realised that it was my room!

Dream diaries

HORRORible 17/7/2009 I was starring in a film; it felt so real that i got scared and locked myself a room; closed my eyes. When i opened my eyes, i was wrapped around in Sheldon's arms.