One night at an unknown house; a little girl was home with her parents, some men broke into their house and the little girl was told to hide in a cupboard. The men discovered her hiding spot and kidnapped her! I woke up (in my dream) in the exact house! It felt like a deja-vu moment and immediately felt a bad vibe. I was with my cousin George; so i quickly got up to warn him but, those exact men i dreamt about had shown up. And they were with our aunty Tino and uncle Marlon; i tried to explain to them that those people they're with are bad, but they didn't believe me. George and i tried to escape but it was too late; we tried to hide and i didn't realise i hid in the cupboard like that little girl. I got caught just like her! I woke up (in my dream again); it felt like it was a premonition from the first time i woke up in this dream, but this time my cousin George and i did escape through a bedroom window and ran to the nearest gas station to ring the police.
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