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Showing posts from September, 2018

Love at first sight

Dr daddy Daddy cutting the cord Our daughter and i are very lucky and grateful to have this amazing man in our lives! I can remember this day (or should i say few days LoL) as if it were yesterday; Thursday evening he finished work and took me straight to the hospital because my midwife Bev Hyde said that I've developed preeclampsia, my water didn't break until Friday at 4:30pm and i didn't fully dilate until Saturday at 5:17am! No epidural, no food since Thursday and broken naps only took me 13 minutes to push!! (apparently the fastest record according to my midwives that night). During those 13 minutes; Persia's heart rate was slowing down; so as a new mom, i was worried and when she finally arrived (with the help from her daddy) I was expecting to hear her cry (like most babies do) but she had her umbilical cord wrapped twice around her neck! After they unwrapped it around her tiny precious neck, she opened her...

A minute with God

Jennifer Love Hewitt



Kim kardashian-west Love the outfit but not her make-up

Love and cherish every moment

Persia with her Great Grandma Phillies I'll never forget the moment i told my loving BUT strict Nana a.k.a my namesake that i was PREGNANT!  Everyone when they first tell my grandma about being pregnant; honestly have no idea how she will react; but for me, she was excited and she took me to my first doctor's appointment. She also told me what to do and what not to do while being pregnant (Samoan tips that she tells all the females in the family). She would visit me nearly every week and bring me food (for the baby LOL); massage my feet when they were swollen (third trimester) etc.  To see how much love she has for my daughter; her great-granddaughter (number 50 something great-grandchild ha ha), is such a blessing!  My daughter is also lucky to meet her G.G because it's so rare and i never knew or had the chance to meet any of mine. Persia with her G.G


Cute outfit, loving the colours

Be nice


Love casts out fear

Perfect love 1 John 4:18:19 There is no fear in love , but perfect love casts out fear . For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because he first loved us. Our gift from God

Dream diaries

Silly drunk 15/8/2017 I couldn't open my right eye, but i don't know why? My dream changed; a n unplanned cousins night out happened, Sheldon and i were with his brother Jason and my cousins George (Gancho), Daniel, Lynn & Jessica. We were at a theme park and Lynn was yelling at Jess because she was drunk! Ganch hung out with her because he was on a buzz too. Then we met up with Tayla bold; her and Jason said "they're off to do their own thing." Jessica got mad and started mumbling something, Lynn was saying "stop being an egg Jess". Jessica came up to me and Sheldon and asked us "is that his girlfriend?! "Y eah; what's it to you?, you have Henz and your kids!" we said to her. She said "Jason and i were having fun until his damn girlfriend ruined it!." I got annoyed because she tried it again! Sheldon and i ditched them to do our own thing.  😊

Facebook challenge

I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? That's ok, but why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our faith in Jesus Christ bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Ignorant? That's ok too. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. Ain't no shame in my game! I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father. If you're not ashamed copy & paste it! God is Good!!!!!! ——AMEN!

Aqua splash

Gold coast If you've seen and enjoy the show "wipe out"; then this is the place to go! A fun activity to do with friends or family.  And then... A well deserved, relaxing and quick snack break for these entertainers for making us (spectators) enjoy the hilarious event. Show time Beautiful Squad Aqua splash Safety rules It's so hot! Family vacation Aussie vs Kiwis Persia with her great nana Phillies Life jackets Mercedez and Celina making it look easy Aunty Helen with Persia Exhausted Youse made it (ha ha) Cousin Shontelle our entertainment Daddy's princess Babe Sheldon So beautiful Excited it's finished I love my family Family over everything

Letters in the clouds



God's promise What i look forward to after a rainy day

Are you smart or sharp?


Perfect for any occasion


God's promise


Aishwarya-rai Bachchans Simple but elegant! Love it

Better late than never

Sweet sixteen   8teen My cousin Mercedez and i Happy 18th birthday my not so little cousin! You've grown so much; i hope you've had a wonderful b-day; sorry for the late one (been busy) so NO i did not forget ha ha, it slipped my mind to tell you since you're hardly online. I know you've been busy studying; trying figure out life as a teenager, i wish you all the best & success my beautiful cedez. You can always talk to me about anything and everything, and always know that your niece Persia and i will always love and miss you. Beautiful mini cedez