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Showing posts from May, 2018

Dream diaries

If it's meant to be, it'll be 19/4/2013 Sheldon and i were having domestics and we broke up. I started dating a guy called Clark; he was brown with curls. We were in the car together and when we were looking in the rear-view mirror; we saw a rocket blast off. The rocket malfunctioned; it turned and was heading towards us! Luckily it had died out and my life flashed right before my eyes. I was sitting in the car; but i was with my dad. He was taking me to my cousin Epenesa's hens night. We had to play a treasure hunt game and i found seven $50.00 notes! ($350.00). I got a call from my boyfriend Clark; saying to meet up with him. I was losing interest in him because  his name was a put off and i kept seeing my cousin klark's face every-time i called him.  So when i went to meet Clark, Sheldon was also there and i cheated on my boyfriend with Sheldon. Then Sheldon and i got back together.

Dream diaries

Strangers   28/9/2012   I was visiting my dad and he was still with his girlfriend Delilah. They were arguing again! Then we were in a car and she was showing me their old house before they moved into the house they live in now. My dad was still angry at her; and when we got back to his house, he left. He was gone for what seemed like ages. We were eating fruits but they kept hiding the bananas in their room. I didn't care so i would just go and help myself. ha ha! Then i was told that my dad was missing. The rest of my father's side of the family came over and i got annoyed because they kept telling me to stay in my room. Evening came; I was talking to my cousin's Bond and Epenesa; when a random guy climbs through my window, dressed all in black. He told me to go with him and i did! I said "I'm ready to escape this place".   My dream changed , I was in the ladies bathroom with my mom's side of the family. We were all changing into our outfits...

Dream diaries

Scary camp stories 2/4/2013 I was at a campsite with my family; and some people i knew. To get to our cabins, we had to go up on hill. As the group of people i was with were making our way to the cabins; someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth with a cloth before i blacked out. I was in and out of consciousness; there were times i would open my eyes and see or feel a man on top of me. But i couldn't move and my vision was a bit blurry; and i felt like i had been drugged. I think everyone at the cabin finally noticed my absence and went looking for me, but failed. The sunlight started shining on my face and when i opened my eyes; i was outside! I started looking around me to see if i could recognise anything about my whereabouts and i did; i wasn't far from the cabins, so i ran. When i got closer to the cabins, i started screaming for help and cried as soon as i made it to my family. My family asked me what happened and i told them the parts i could remember...

Appreciation post

My handsome lover Sheldon . Relationships For all of you so eager to call it quits and throw in the towel on your relationships because everything isnā€™t ā€œperfectā€ is some food for thought  šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. It's not waking up every morning to make breakfast and eat together. It's not cuddling in bed until both of you fall asleep, peacefully, at night. It's not a clean home filled with laughter  and love making, everyday. It's someone who steals all the covers (and snores and farts). It's slammed doors and a few harsh words, at times. Itā€™s stubbornly disagreeing and giving each other the silent treatment until your hearts heal...and, then...FORGIVENESS!  ā¤ļø Itā€™s coming home to the same person, everyday, that you know LOVES and CARES about you in spite of (and because of) who you are. It's laughing about the one time you accidentally did something stupid. It's about dirty laundry and unmade beds WITH...

Dream diaries

Just dance and be happy 23/9/2012 My mom and i went for a ride to my nana's house. We had our Ps3 with us so we all could play the "just dance" game. My twin cousin's Casey and Claire were playing it; but then auntie Josephine started growling them. Then nana and Josephine started arguing about the game.  My dream changed , at night, my brother Niko visited and slept over.

A spartan Christmas

Fren-emies Spartans  what is your profession?! Ah oo, ah oo , ah oo !!!   Click on the link below Second place We did well Spartans! We deserved 1st place for actually sticking to the rules and being the only team that actually had their own team intros! ha ha. It was such a fun day for everyone; something different for Christmas. It's always fun to have the family come together; making memories. I hope we all can do this again soon. Con10daz TuĆŗaNatorz Team rivalry KK'S VS TUƚAN8TORZ VS CON10DAZ VS SPARTANS

Dream diaries

The good and the bad 25/9/2016 Sheldon and i had another daughter and she was laying down next to Persia on the bed. Persia looked like she was three or four years old. My dream changed , Sheldon and i were with my mom and my cousin Vanessa at a school; trying to unlock a code. Then there were zombies and a vicious black dog by the playground. All of a sudden, i was driving around; looking for somewhere to park the car. Then the location changed, We were meeting up with Sheldon's cousin Reyna with a building that had lots of rooms. But, on the outside; it just looked like a normal house. The hallways changed and we were at a hotel, making plans on how to kill the zombies outside. Reyna went missing for a while, but then when we found her; she was bleeding while holding a baby! All she kept saying was "my baby". She started crying and we noticed that she had just given birth to a still-born.

Dream diaries

Dirty cops 30/3/2013 I was with Sheldon, he said "wait here; I'll be back" and went inside this building alone. I was there for ages and eventually got bored waiting so i decided to go see why he was taking so long. But, i got stopped at the door by two men and i asked them why i wasn't i allowed inside? They didn't respond; so i asked again and then they said "whoever you're looking for isn't in here, go away or else we have no choice but to call the police"! They did and when the cops arrived, i explained to the officers my side of things. Suddenly i had my guy friends with me as my witnesses, backing me up and saying to the officers that the same thing happened to their relatives! We all said help us find our missing loved ones but then i felt a bad vibe and knew they were dodgy policemen. I was right, as the only female in the group and without my boyfriend there to protect me, the officer said "i need to search you". I sai...

Dream diaries

Bollywood 16/9/2012 I was getting dressed for a performance and hung my cross necklace on a pole. After i got dressed, i went to grab my necklace and it had been stolen. I was upset because that was a gift from my Nana Phillies. Later on i was dancing with a bunch of elderly Indian ladies to Bollywood songs. I knew some of the choreography from my Bollywood films and everyone was cheering for me. An Indian guy started dancing around me.

Dream diaries

Giggles and struggles 24/9/2016 Persia learnt how to laugh for the first time. It was so cute!  Mommy is so happy that i was the first person to make you laugh, for your first time ever! My dream changed , i was with my cousin Fabian and he was telling me about how he goes to church. He started confiding in me saying; "ever since he started going back to church, he's been struggling with money". Then my aunty Alisi and uncle Michael came over for a visit, asking if we had an air mattress that they could borrow. 

Papa's day

Never forgotten Forever loved papa. Dear papa I can't believe it's been 20 years without you! I still remember the saddest day that changed our entire family. The day our heavenly father called you home. I know i was only little when this all happened but i can remember this day so vividly as if it were yesterday. I still miss you everyday, you were the person who held this family together. We have so many happy memories with you. I miss the times you made fishing with you like a tradition for the family, or how you would make home movies of all your grandchildren just dancing or capturing all our childhood memories. Even when Nana would growl us and behind her, would be you making silly facials just to make us laugh and then Nana would get angry thinking weren't taking her seriously! Then when she tries to smack us; you tell her that you'll do it but you would tell us to pretend to cry while you smack the chair or floor next to us. (ha ha). I miss when yo...