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Showing posts from August, 2018

Dream diaries

Mystery bag 13/3/2017 My cousin Phoebe had found Sheldon's missing phone; she then asked me a random question, she said  "Do you want to know what i found inside George (stoney) and our cousin George (Gancho) bag"?

Dream diaries

Horror 2/11/2016 Everyone i lived with growing up at my Nana Phillies house were altogether under the same roof; except my cousins and i were little kids again, our parents were teenagers. We were all watching t.v in the lounge when all of a sudden the television volume had turned all the way up on full blast by itself! The girl from the exorcist horror movie started mumbling something at us; then she started screaming and the house shook! It felt like an earthquake but it wasn't one; all of us kids were terrified that we started crying.

Dream diaries

Nick Jonas 10/11/2016 I was on a trip with some friends; we were travelling to different places, i bumped into Nick Jonas at a resort and we started talking. Our conversation lead to dinner and drinks together; which he later invited me up to his room. We hung out and then we were making out! I went to the use the bathroom and there was a mirror the size of the wall! I started checking myself out; taking selfies on my phone  until, Nick walked in and started cuddling me from behind. He kept asking me to stay the night but; i said "i might need a little more persuasion" and we started making out in the bathroom.

Dream diaries

Danger 15/8/2017 My family and Sheldon's family got together; playing family games at a place that looked like a mall, Jennifer Zhang was holding Persia. It was dark with fake prison cells set-up throughout which lead to other different places. Our location changed, Sheldon and i were walking along a very long walkway that ended at two separate corridors; so we split up. The next task required teamwork; we had to climb on top of something that had glass floors! When we looked down, we could see water underneath the glass and we both struggled a bit because we don't like heights very much. My knees got the wobbles; Sheldon said his knee locked? He was that scared to move; we had to encourage one another as we were communicating through an earpiece and we made it together! The scenery changed again! I was standing on a wonky long bridge; walking across it with my brother Niko and we both almost made it to the end of the bridge but we both fell into the water. As i was fa...

Dream diaries

Blood isn't thicker than water! 7/8/2017 My cousins planned a cousin vacation; so we brang our partners and kids with us. My brother Niko and some of my cousins Daniel, George (Gancho) Jessica and Lynn were there. Jess and i got into an argument after she made a sly comment towards me about Sheldon and i said "fuck up you bitch"! Everyone told us to peace it so i left it and walked to my room to unpack, then as i was feeding my daughter; Ganch and Lynn walked in to tell me that her sister Jessica admitted everything to her! "Aw yeah, Jess said she did hit on Sheldon on that night of party and she WAS trying to get with him" Lynn said, i said "yeah i already know all of this because Sheldon told me when he came home that night; so i know Jess already knows that i know everything she did! And that is why we stopped talking to each other.

Dream diaries

Family race 9/8/2017 I was with my mom and my siblings (except for my brother Niko), we were in a race together; running along a curvy and bendy road. The road lead to a small pool that was as wide as the ocean! We had to swim across as a team but, i was scared. After i built up the courage to overcome my fear, we had to continue running on a road which we each had to save a loved one; i had to choose a random guy claiming to be my boyfriend or Sheldon? I chose Sheldon.

Dream diaries

Visitors 3/8/2017 Sheldon, myself and our daughter finally had our own place; my brother Niko came from oversea. He stayed with us for a night. Suddenly a white car pulled up and it was our cousin Epenesa dressed up to give Niko a present. "Who did you come with?" I asked her "i thought you were my sister Celina coming to visit".  She said "one of my sisters dropped me off".

Dream diaries

No babysitters 26/6/2017 I was on a family vacation; auntie Helen was also there with her kids. Sheldon and i wanted to go on a date but our babysitters; Celina and Valentine were angry at each other and, they weren't on speaking terms at the moment. Our date night became a family date night out and we were OK with that because; we got to create more memories with our daughter.

Meeting the entire in-laws

Sheldon Bianchi   The most nerve-wracking moment in a relationship. Especially since you're my first serious boyfriend that I've fallen "crazy in love" with (sings BeyoncĆ© song) ha ha. You're the first guy I've told and introduced to both of my parents! The only guy i have ever bought home to meet my entire family and the only person i see myself having a future with. Years later and we've been blessed with a beautiful daughter; our mini us but she's definitely your twin! ("Lets have another one" you said, ha ha I'm ready when you are handsome. ;) I love you so much, looking forward to many more memories with you my love. Photo credit:  Gerardus Verspeek & Photo credit:  Me B-day man, dad, aunties Strickland grandparents Bianchi grandparents Us B-day man The boyz Add caption Bae with his dad ...

We are all loved