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Showing posts from March, 2020

Dream diaries

Rape 8/4/2009 A girl from Tangaroa College was raped; and became pregnant to her rapist! She looked like my friend Kolopa, suddenly there was a school dance competition happening. People were telling me to go up on stage! 

Dream diaries

Troy's birthday 7/4/2009 The entire family was at the beach, doing a performance. All of a sudden, it was my cousin Troy's birthday. My dream changed .... the family was inside a hall challenging other people with our item we all learnt. But, i was the only person that wasn't taught anything and someone name Theresa bought me a free 3G iPhone. 

Dream diaries

Cousins 6/4/2009 I was at the pools with my cousins Karissa, Vanessa, Epenesa, Tui, Junior and Jessica. After our swim, we changed our clothes before going on the roller coaster at Rainbow's end. Karissa and i went to use the loo, before Epenesa walked inside the bathroom to use the toilets as well. A random girl waiting to use the toilet asked if we can trade clothes.

Dream diaries

Back off 5/4/2009 My cousin Jessica liked my boyfriend Sheldon and tried hitting on him! And Epenesa had a secret video of Sheldon wearing only a towel. I told them to both back off and when Epenesa fell asleep, i deleted the video of Sheldon. 

Dream diaries

Catch me if you can 4/4/2009 I was with my mom, my siblings Leeroy, Celina and cousins Vanessa, Troy and Valentine; at the cinemas. Leeroy had a tantrum, wanting a straw for his drink; i grabbed a bunch so he could stop crying. The cops looked at me, thinking i was stealing and started chasing me! I ran down some stairs which lead me to a room; that had some changing clothes. I changed my outfit and noticed another person with me doing the same thing. Another random person offered to help me escape and  i bumped into Laumata's dad Fred! He said he's going to tell the cops where i am, but i ignored him and managed to escape.

Dream diaries

Hide and seek 3/4/2009 I was at a house with my cousins George, Daniel, Junior, Tui, Epenesa and Laumata. The house next door was haunted by an unfriendly ghost! One night, the boys decided we should play hide and seek at the neighbors house; so we all got split up. The girls hid; and then the boys yelled out, "you will be safe here, we're leaving to get the car in case we need to escape." 

Dream diaries

Workout 2/4/2009 I was at aunty Helens' house; Veronica showed up and asked if i wanted to go for a run. As i was getting ready, the room changed and i was in a different house! There was a lot of teenagers playing, and then a lady said to me "go and play with them, they are your cousins". I was confused because i did not recognize them. Then guy with green eyes approached me and asked if i wanted to go out with him.

Dream diaries

Lucifer 1/4/2009 I was with my Nana at her house; while my mom and siblings, also aunty Josephine, Robert and their kids went out. I had a sudden urge to go to the garage and out of nowhere, black smoke filled the garage! The energy felt dark and i woke up (in my dream). My dream repeated itself, but this time i was standing in front of the house and the house was on fire! Everyone inside the house woke up when i started screaming, telling them to "run through the front door!" They all made it out and we watched while standing next to my nanas' car. Jessica yelled out "Lucifer, won't stop trying to kill us until we're dead!".

Dream diaries

Jealousy 25/3/2009 Sheldon and i went to the pools with a few of my cousins, Valentine, Schnider,Quinton, George and Jess. Guys were checking me out and Sheldon got upset and started avoiding me! I went to change my swimsuit and bumped into Kolopa; we were catching up until we were interrupted by a dance battle outside.

Dream diaries

Break-up 23/3/2009 Sheldon and i, had not seen each other in awhile because my dad had found out about us. He said, "i want to meet him and he better like island food"! I randomly received a text message from Sheldon saying he wanted to break up with me, because his Nana Mary wanted him to date a girl from their church. He said "you need to move on, do not wait for me, because i'm not worth waiting for".

Dream diaries

Evil 22/3/2009 Lynn was a rebel and her parents sent her to Australia for six months! My dad cheated on my mom again but only my aunty Josephine knew about it. Then a stranger said to me, "i'm going to rape you"!

Dream diaries

The kindness of strangers 18/3/2009 I was staying with a nice family who helped me hide from a crazy woman. When i felt ready to return home, the nice family took me to my moms' house where my cousins Epenesa, Ana, Laumata, Karissa, Vanessa and Kirsty were there.

Dream diaries

Bollywood Dance 16/3/2009 I went to school with my cousins Schnider and Quinton. We had a school dance competition against other schools. Our school danced to a Bollywood remix. My dream changed ... Ngatamaine called me to talk about her relationship; saying her boyfriend hasn't called her for a few days.

Dream diaries

Barbie doll 15/3/2009 My cousins Vanesa, Kirsty, Karissa, Lynn and i were at a dress store; shopping for outfits for a birthday party. I found a dress i really liked, my cousins all agreed and wanted to dress me up as if i was their Barbie doll.

Dream diaries

Church 10/3/2009  Sheldon and i were inside of a big house, we started running out of the house, but when i turned around to see what the house looked like from the outside, it was my Nana Phillies house. Jessica was with her baby and Laumata was there with her baby as well. Daniel, George, Schnider and uncle Robert said "there is a guy outside that is trying to kill us"! We all ran and hid inside a church. My dream changed .... Sheldon called me saying he had something he needed to tell me.

Dream diaries

Samoa 13/3/2009 My dad and i were with my cousins Epenesa, Laumata, Junior, Tama. My father's sister Teri arrived with her kids,  and we all went to Samoa together. My dream changed .... I was hugging Sheldon, feeling his abs while laying my head on his chest.

Dream diaries

Farewell 10/3/2009 I was at school, saw an old classmate named Samuel. On my way after school, a girl wanted to fight me, i just walked away. The next day at school was a half-day, i was flying overseas that night and everyone was saying "farewell", i started running home! I jumped over a fence and found a basketball on the way home.

Dream diaries

Hater 9/3/2009 I attended a high school that looked identical to my primary school, East Tamaki; with Sheldon and a few of my cousins. Also two random girls named Mary and Vasa. Some people were getting egged by other students including myself! A guy i didn't get along with named David, thought it'd be funny to get me, i stepped him out but he got scared, and got his boys to fight his battles, so i told my cousin Daniel and Daniel pinned David up against the wall in the corridors, and locked the doors from the inside and gave David a hiding.

Dream diaries

Who let their dogs out! 7/3/2009  There was a party at my mom's house, but it got ruined when seven black dogs entered the house! They destroyed my room and left; i was with my mom, uncle Robert and my cousin Daniel. They kept saying, "we're the last ones standing."  My dream changed.....My old high school had a major makeover, as i was visiting the school, i bumped into a guy named Junior A'pe that use to like me. He introduced his friend name To-to, and to-to asked me out! I was uncomfortable and wherever i went, he kept following me around.