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Showing posts from January, 2019

Jordin Sparks

Daniel Mano'o

"Aww cute picta" (Her exact words)   😂 Happy birthday to this  # Hardworking  cousin/uncle and  # Godfather   💙  We love & miss you always , I hope you have a non stressful birthday  🙂  lots of love from your  # Goddaughter  xx  😘

I love you


Fatherhood: Sheldon and Persia


follow my friend Faith Malica

90's kid

To all moms

I am

Dwayne "The rock" Johnson

Ha ha, this made my day

Dream diaries

Sleepover 4/2/2009 My Kahui, Mano'o and Lang-shui little cousins; all had a sleepover at my mom's house. When I walked into my room; it was a mess! I noticed Sheldon's baby photo was missing; so I asked where is? They said they don't know; so I told them to find it and to clean up my room before I'll smack them.

Dream diaries

King Kong  4/2/2009 The entire family were chilling out on a field; planning our next family gathering. My dream changed;  everyone was at a hotel, having a dance party. The girls owned the dance floor; the men were playing poker. My cousins George and Daniel left the party to play gridiron with some of the West side cousins; it eventually turned into a family reunion! There were a lot of games and food. My dream changed;  I was an explorer who became friends with a gorilla! (Like King Kong) A family whom were with me; wanted to save it from some bad men that wanted to kill the gorilla.

Dream diaries

Bebo 2/2/2009 I received a mail on Bebo from Sheldon. My dream changed;  my brother Niko was running after me with a belt but, I had superpowers that allowed me to orb wherever I want. (Like Paige from the show Charmed) I orbbed myself into a room and grabbed some documents for my cousin Epenesa about her mum leaving her some money and a letter to take care of her siblings. They all moved into a small home but with really good neighbours; they always offered to help Epenesa, saying "they love kids but can't have any of their own". My dream changed again;  I was with my cousin Schnider at school, playing with Sheldon's basketball. A random person flattened the ball; so I told Sheldon and he said "it's alright", then pumped the basketball up.

Always and forever

My forever baby


My always until the end of time

My life, not yours

When you're single, people ask about a boyfriend.  When you have a fiancé, they ask about a wedding.  When you get married, they ask when will you have a baby?  When you have one, they ask when is the little brother or sister coming?  When you have another one they ask, why you having all these children?  When you get divorced, they ask why?  If you move on, they ask why so quickly?  People will NEVER STOP ASKING & TALKING... So if you're proud of who you are and you don't care about what people think about you and your life, copy and paste this on your wall with a picture of yourself. Live your life for you, not others! 

Dream diaries

Schools 23/1/2009 There were two schools combined as one; so there were a lot of students! I attended the school and became one of the popular girls; i found out that one of my west side cousins attended the same school but then they had to leave to go to another school next door.

Dream diaries

Long distance 21/1/2009 Sheldon and i haven't seen each other in a while; but there was an event coming up, hoping he might be there. I went with my brother Leeroy and our cousins Claire and Jessica. We stopped at our aunty Helen's house to see if anyone else was going; plus i wanted to ask our cousin Quinton about Sheldon before we left, but then Helen walked in on our conversation. The show finished around 11; Quinton came up to me after the show to give me a kiss and a hug, and to say he's going home with his friend Trey.

Dream diaries

Scared kids 15/1/2009 I was with my cousin Epenesa visiting our cousins Veronica, Tui and Etelina at their dad Tusa's house. Etelina did something and her dad wanted to give her a hiding; but their mum May stopped it and Tusa ended up beating May instead. Tui started crying to us; blaming his sister Etelina; she got scared and decided to run away to her friend David's house. Epenesa said she will help her; suddenly Tusa came to look for Etelina, he was angry when he couldn't find her. He started yelling at us, we got scared that one of us snitched on her whereabouts and we all ran away together through a field. Some random girls there wanted to fight me; "Don't waste your time on them" my cousins said, and then my cousins got scared and went back home. I didn't want to go back there;  so i walked to my Nana Phillies house and stayed there until my dad picked me up the next morning.

Be proud to show off your partner


Everyone has their limits

Dream diaries

Premonition 13/1/2009 One night at an unknown house; a little girl was home with her parents, some men broke into their house and the little girl was told to hide in a cupboard. The men discovered her hiding spot and kidnapped her! I woke up (in my dream) in the exact house! It felt like a deja-vu moment and immediately felt a bad vibe. I was with my cousin George; so i quickly got up to warn him but, those exact men i dreamt about had shown up. And they were with our aunty Tino and uncle Marlon; i tried to explain to them that those people they're with are bad, but they didn't believe me. George and i tried to escape but it was too late; we tried to hide and i didn't realise i hid in the cupboard like that little girl. I got caught just like her! I woke up (in my dream again); it felt like it was a premonition from the first time i woke up in this dream, but this time my cousin George and i did escape through a bedroom window and ran to the nearest gas station to...

Dream diaries

A bug-a-boo 12/4/2009 I was in a relationship with a guy that became obsessed with me! He always wanted to follow me everywhere and bug me constantly whenever i wasn't with him; i couldn't handle it anymore and broke up with him. It didn't change anything so i ran away so he couldn't find me.

Dream diaries

Call of duty 13/1/2009 I was trapped in a house with my mom and my siblings. Also aunty Helen and her children were with us; there were so many doors to choose or unlock but, some of the rooms had zombies! We all had a shot-gun each to help each other shoot the zombies; it felt like we were in the Call of duty zombies game.

Dream diaries

Getting serious 10/1/2009 I was out shopping with my mom and told her i have a boyfriend; his name is Sheldon. "I already know about it" she responded; then randomly Sheldon walked into the store with his parents (Ama and Janita) and our parents finally got to meet.

Dream diaries

Great grandpa 11/4/2009 I was attending a school in the city and met an old man; he said to me "i am your great grandpa from your father's side". I was on stage; auditioning for a play and he was watching me. I got called in to an office and was told that i wouldn't be getting the part because girls were jealous of me! Some of them just didn't like me; i found out that they got selected because their parents were the judges and in charge of the play. I brushed it off ; not letting it get to me, so i went to meet with my cousins Jessica and Lynn. They introduced me to one of their friend; whom actually turned out to be one of my relatives.

Dream diaries

Love letters 8/1/2009 Someone from my father's side of the family was gonna die! My dad; his sisters and my cousins Tui and Junior came to pick me up. Out of the blues; we were all being chased by a crowd of people.  My dream changed ; I wrote Sheldon love letters and my mom found them.

Dream diaries

Bad day 1/1/2009 My cousin Lynn and i; got caught ditching school! Lynn got a hiding from her dad Robert; he punched her lip, i just got a growling from my dad. My Nana Phillies was outside; yelling at a stranger that got stuck on her roof.

Dream diaries

Families 30/12/2008 Sheldon and i were with my cousins (on my moms' side), Schnider, Daniel, Jessica and Lynn. We all were meeting up with my cousins (from my dad's side) Junior and Tama. We bumped into our uncle Robert Motu, then we all went on a spooky ride and got our group photo's taken.

Dream diaries

T.i 28/12/2008 I was with my brother Niko; eating pizza with our cousin Jessica but, for some unknown reason he didn't want Jessica to eat any pizza and told her to "fucking leave it"! Jessica up and left and told our mom; but that just pissed Niko off even more. He took it out on me by trying to stab me and our mom!  My dream changed ; i was attending a course and university; in one of my classes, my friends signed me up for a beauty class. I really enjoyed it and i got to meet T.I (the rapper/actor). We became friends and people seemed jealous.

Princess of snapchat

Add us poppy land filter snapchat filter future cheerleader

Princess of selfie

I love finding her random treasures of selfies or videos she makes on my phone. xx learning how to use a camera peek-a-boo toddler stage


Pregnant with Persia


💜 At the end of life.... Neurologists say Dementia should be called "failure of the brain," because the other names are nebulous and do not show the severity of the disease to most people.  As the patient's brain slowly dies, they change physically, lose the ability to speak, and the caregivers are often in shock, and exhausted!!  Patients will end up bedridden, unable to move, and unable to eat or drink. But it is the different phases beforehand that are just as painful.  The day they suddenly forget how to dress themselves, and become confused or combative when you try to fix the clothing they've put on backwards. When they repeatedly ask where their life-long mate is or where their children are while looking straight at them. When they are confused, angry, or frightened, it is because they are still partially aware of who they were, yet are that person no longer... There will be people who will scroll by this message because dementia has not touched them...

Artwork by princess

Wheels on the bus app 1 year old Sesame street app

Dream diaries

Caught in the act 27/12/2008 My mom asked me if i was dating Sheldon; she said "tell the truth because Karissa already told me", i confessed and said "yes". She put me on lock down; so i started sneaking out at night to see him. One night i stayed out till daylight; i quickly went home before my woke up and on my way home i bumped into my cousin Jessica. She was more experienced at sneaking out to see boys; so she tried to help me sneak back into my room but, we got caught.

Dream diaries

Ex for a reason 27/12/2008 Sheldon and i were getting ready to out; someone knocked on our door and it was an ex girlfriend of his! He dismissed me; i got upset and jealous, as they started talking. I stormed off and then i was in a car with my cousin Vanessa. We drove pass the mall and saw Daniel with Sheldon; we continued our car ride and stopped in front of a two-storey house. My dream changed ; I was at Rainbow's end staring at the fear fall; Sheldon was there with his ex-girlfriend. Suddenly we were at a different location. This time i was with Sheldon, Daniel, Schnider and the ex-girlfriend in a classroom. Sheldon and i always sat next to each other; but the ex wanted to sit with him.

Once a cheater, always a cheater

Dalai Lama

Alphabet art with princess

Teddy bear 1 year old cat

Artwork by princess

school bus 1 year old Sesame street

Artwork by princess

1 year old Sesame street : Big bird

Stan Lee

Follow my cousin on i.g

Artwork by princess

1 year old Sesame street

Artwork by princess

1 year old Sesame street

Artwork by princess

1 year old 2 year old. is that a dinosaur?

Artwork by Princess

1 year old beautiful colours darling. Clifford the big red dog?