💜 At the end of life.... Neurologists say Dementia should be called "failure of the brain," because the other names are nebulous and do not show the severity of the disease to most people. As the patient's brain slowly dies, they change physically, lose the ability to speak, and the caregivers are often in shock, and exhausted!! Patients will end up bedridden, unable to move, and unable to eat or drink. But it is the different phases beforehand that are just as painful. The day they suddenly forget how to dress themselves, and become confused or combative when you try to fix the clothing they've put on backwards. When they repeatedly ask where their life-long mate is or where their children are while looking straight at them. When they are confused, angry, or frightened, it is because they are still partially aware of who they were, yet are that person no longer... There will be people who will scroll by this message because dementia has not touched them...