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Showing posts from July, 2018

Happy birthday my love

Happy birthday handsome! Forever loved by me and our princess.  The only photo i have left from when we first started dating! 16 going onto forever.

Happy birthday darling

Terrible two's You're growing too fast baby! xx Thank you our heavenly father for gifting our daughter another year to be with us.  You've grown a lot my baby! You're my reason i love and enjoy my life so much more. There's never a dull moment when I'm with you. You bring so much joy and laughter to anyone and everyone. You've learnt so many new things like all your colours; counting to ten, some of your shapes. Also the sounds most of the animals make and the lyrics and choreography to your favourite songs; etc. Your such a bright young baby that is so clever for her age! Daddy and mummy are so proud of you.  Lots of love and kisses, Mutter und Vater. xoxo

Dream diaries

The real 12/7/18 I was at a party with the ladies from "The real" show! Jeannie Mai eating and taking photos, Tamera Mowry was with her twin sister dancing. Loni Love was in the bedroom with a man; taking her shirt off saying "it's gonna be awhile" while undoing her jeans. Adrienne Bailon was sitting on the steps with her husband Israel, enjoying the music and each others company. I left the party and on my way home while i was walking at night; i got a spooky vibe as i was walking through a field, i heard a lady calling out for help! "I've been raped" she said; i quickly called the cops. My dream changed ; i was the lady that was crying out for help, i was hiding in the bush while i saw men with their torches searching everywhere for me. I quickly saw them heading in a direction so i went the opposite way and quickly called Sheldon that there were men following me. I told him where i was to please make his way to me because i still ha...

Dream diaries

Pram 19/6/17 Sheldon's parents were asking me if i use the pram while i go for my walks; "hardly" i said, because Sheldon forgets to take it out of the car every morning before he leaves for work.


Live your life for you

Know your place

 She owns my heart. So much on my mind about my daughters baptism next week, I'm over hearing about those who are against it ! You may not agree but only God can judge us! Everyone knows I'm nice & I have my reasons when I get angry about something, so don't piss me off ! Don't take my kindness for granted because Family or not, I will cut u out of me & my daughter's life! She's my daughter, God chose us to be her parents. Yes everyone has their opinions but if I wanted yours, I would've asked for  it!


My life not yours

Make time for yourself

Thanks sis for helping me take care of me haha.

We can forgive but never forget

Dream diaries

Aussie family 2/7/2018 I was with my daughter, and my cousins Epenesa, Laumata; also my auntie Maota. They wanted to meet my daughter; then my auntie asked me if she could take a photo of me with my daughter to send it to my father and so i sat on these very wide steps outside somewhere as the sun was shining down on us. My cousins had a canvas with a beautiful scenery that they used as my backdrop for our photo. It took awhile to find the perfect photo because i couldn't find the right angles (ha ha). When we finally found a decent photo; we sent it to my dad. My dream changed ; i was with my auntie Helen and my cousins Schnider and Daniel chilling in the lounge. As we were talking to each other; we heard a loud noise that came from outside, so we went to see what it was and Schnider's car was damaged! Half of his car was missing.

Words are powerful

Struggles as a parent

Choose wisely

Love your life

My heart in human form

Dream diaries

Filling in the blanks 30/6/2018 Sheldon and my sister Celina woke me up saying "mom and her sisters got struck"! "By what"? i said; they responded by saying "hit"! I got annoyed and decided to call my mom myself because they weren't making sense and when someone answered her phone, i heard a voice say "call the police"! It sounded like chaos and there was another persons voice asking if everyone was OK? Check for injuries (as if they had been in a car accident).

Be thankful

My heart's

Dream diaries

Babies 28/6/2018 Early one morning; i was laying in bed with my little family, my daughter went to play in the lounge while Sheldon and i had quickie ( doggy style). My dream changed ; Sheldon and i were in a really old, run-down house and this time we had two children! Our daughter and a son; we were making dinner while Sheldon was in a bad mood, then we heard the door bell ring, Sheldon told us to be quiet while he went to see who was at the door.

Life is too short

My everything's

Forgiveness = happiness

Older and wiser

Dream diaries

Cookie lovers 27/6/2018 My daughter Persia and i were eating cookies together; then time fast forwarded to another day and we were eating cookies together again, but this time i was pregnant.

Dream diaries

Families 26/6/2018 I was with my auntie Maota and my cousin's Laumata, Bond and Epenesa. Mata said she'll drop me of home on her way to the airport; a car pulled up in the driveway, it was my auntie Alisi and i caught a ride home with her.

Dream diaries

Unknown adventure 17/6/2018 One night i was with my friend Kolopa Laban; we were running away from something; we had one tiny torch to share between us and we went running through a playground. Then, different and difficult obstacles appeared; suddenly there were five huge pirate ships that appeared! We jumped from ship to ship until we reached land; we dropped our torch! Slowly we watched it rolling away under a house; we heard scratching noises and we got scared to grab the torch because we were hoping it wasn't rats. Kolopa begged me to grab it; when i put my hand inside to grab the torch, i felt something touch my hand! I quickly pulled out the torch and checked my hand for any bite or scratch marks because i hated germs.

Dream diaries

Cousin's night 13/6/2018 One night i was with some of my cousins from my mom's side of the family; we we're on a treasure hunt and hide 'n' seek, there were no rules and we we're only allowed to hide anywhere on the property. Also; whom ever gets caught helps the seeker find the others; i got caught and found heaps of the cousins; we saw one of the boys jump over the back fence and once we found everyone, we were all in the lounge with Uncle Mark. The lounge was huge; it looked like our living room combined with my Nana Phillies sitting room.

Dream diaries

Weird events 21/9/2012 I was at my Nana Phillies house for a family function; out of the blues, something scratches my cheeks and it gets infected. It turned into red bumps when i suddenly got a headache; i was told to go to the freezer to grab some ice but inside the ice bag were crabs! They were still alive though; i freaked out and ran outside, i ended up at auntie Helen's house. Hayden and Trey were there.  My dream changed ; i was walking with my sister Celina on a field surrounded by houses, we walked towards a specific house and she asked me "why are we here?" I said "this is my new home"; when we walked inside, my cousin Valentine was there with her girls! I said "how did you get in?" and she said "we broke in"! I was furious and said "get out, you're friends aren't welcome here"; Valentine stayed behind to help Celina and i decorate the house. Sheldon arrived home after work; we went to pick up our daug...

Dream diaries

Family or strangers 17/5/2018 I was with my daughter and my brother Leeroy; my father Andrew came over for an unexpected visit with his sisters Teri and Maota, also my cousin Epenesa. Teri made a comment about Leeroy saying he's disrespectful because he didn't know who she was; as his eldest sibling i stepped in to tell her off and said to her "whose fault is it that he has no idea who any of youse are"?! "None of youse have ever kept in touch or made any efforts to show that youse want to be apart of our lives, he's not being disrespectful, youse are strangers". My dad didn't like what i had to say but he understood where i was coming from so he told his sister to "just leave it"; i was already in a bad mood so i said "if you're here to meet your granddaughter that's fine, but if youse are just gonna continue to get on my nerves then youse all can leave"!. I went to get my daughter so she could finally meet her g...

Dream diaries

Another baby girl 13/5/2018 I was in a hotel room looking out at the view; i had another baby girl who looked like my daughter Persia, she was standing by the balcony and looking through the glass. She looked so cute with her two ponytails.

Dream diaries

Ed Sheeran   15/5/2018   I was sitting on top of the roof of a two-storey house; looking up at the stars, nearby was a small lake and on the other side of the lake i could see my family having a party. I went inside my house; my nephews and nieces were playing, running around the house. My uncle Marlon was in the lounge watching t.v; i went to my room and i had an en suite! I went to the loo; then quickly had a nice hot steamy shower. My bathroom was purple; stylish and spacious. In the shower, i felt someone hug me from behind and then they kissed me on the neck. I turned around to see who it was and it was Ed Sheeran! We started making out.

Dream diaries

A mother's nightmare 16/5/2018 My family and i moved into a small two-storey apartment with rooms that were all connected; there was no privacy at all! The floors were a bit lopsided and Persia was standing by the window with Sheldon; i said to him "watch out for that girl", he said "don't worry, I'm next to her". But, while he was busy on his phone; the floor felt like it tilted a lot more; Persia suddenly flew out the window! I quickly tried my hardest to run outside to catch her before she hit the ground; when i made it outside; i was shocked to see her standing there with only a graze on her forehead! I cried and quickly wrapped her in my arms; everyone surrounded us while i was yelling at Sheldon. I never trusted anyone to look after my daughter so i took her everywhere with me, we went to a botanical garden and sat by the pond. We bumped into my auntie Alisi and my cousin Peleseti.

Life Goals

Dear first time mother's

#Repost   - @ BUMP BABY + CO When you become a mum the first time... some people may push you to do things their way.  Make you think your clueless & you will deal with a lot of unnecessary bullshit, judgement & opinions!  because everyone seems to have an opinion about what’s best & what is wrong or offensive. You will feel completely overwhelmed & exhausted but honestly I never a met a new mum who hasn’t. . You breastfeed in public, it’s offensive. You breastfeed your child for what people consider is to long it’s offensive. You don’t breastfeed for long enough, you’re not trying hard enough. You bottle feed it’s offensive. You co-sleep it’s offensive. You have a routine you’re to controlling. You have a natural birth you’re trying to be to much of a hero. You have a cesarean & you’re“too posh to push”. You have lost your baby weight to fast. You haven’t lost your baby weight fast enough. You’re a stay at home mum, you’ve given up...

Cheers to love!

Happy anniversary I love you. A bit late but oh well 30/6  💑 Happy anniversary my handsome   😍   Even though u can be annoying  😾 😂   My love  for you hasn't changed    😘   Cheers to 8 years  & more !!   🍺 🍷   I love you     Thank you Jesus   ❤️ 🙌🏽