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Showing posts from June, 2018

Dream diaries

Strange day 14/1/2013 One afternoon i was walking in the city; i noticed my cousin Laumata but i walked by her as if we weren't related, then i bumped into another cousin of mine and her name was Theresa. We just gave each other the evils while we carried on walking; then i ran into another cousin; Epenesa and we started talking asking me to come visit my dad's side of family because they all miss me. We continued to walk and talk; we bumped into our other cousin Tui at the pedestrian crossing, he started giving me attitude! The three of us went our separate ways; as i was crossing the road, i didn't realise i was walking with a childhood friend Mapo. We were catching up; she invited me to tag a long to a function, when we arrived and it so crowded with a lot of people. They were playing games in a competition on the sand; they were also writing their names as big as they could with a stick! Out of the blues; the sun disappeared; lightning struck and heavy rain sta...

Dream diaries

Tornadoes 19/12/2012 I was standing at the edge of the water in the city; across the other side of the water was another city. The city i was at had three tornadoes heading towards us; then it started to rain, i was with my brother Niko and my cousins Pj, Epenesa, Tui and Jessica. Everyone round us was panicking; we started debating whether we should swim across to the opposite city, i didn't want too so i stayed behind while they left and the tornado suddenly was heading in the same direction as them! I was worried for them because there was nothing i could do; so i started praying and when i was done praying, i opened my eyes and i was on a boat. I went out on the boat and managed to catch up to my family; we safely made it back to the shore, then everything around me was so white and bright. Then i was suddenly at a supermarket with Jessica; a voice on an intercom said "those who want to leave, head towards the elevator and the aliens will take you home". I sa...

Dream diaries

In-laws 18/12/2012 I slept at Sheldon's house; the next morning his cousin Leeana and his Godmother Jenina came over for a visit with some of his other aunties. The young adults and kids were upstairs having breakfast; while the oldies were downstairs singing. Sheldon's dad Ama was playing the guitar; Jenina asked us girls if we wanted to go for a ride to the park. We got ready in the bathroom downstairs; Sheldon didn't want me to go without him, so he decided to tag along. Te-aroha was wearing a snap back hat; a bunch of boys started harassing her! She told her brother Sheldon; he got his sister's hat back, then it turned into a fight even though he was out numbered. I told Sheldon "stop fighting"! but he started yelling at me and the girls to run! We did what he told us to do; two of the boys started chasing after us! Suddenly our location changed; we were at the hospital for Sheldon, he needed stitches and surgery on his lower back. Also; for his r...

Dream diaries

Family dramas 13/12/2012 Everyone in my family were fighting and having dramas! My cousins Jade, Dylan, Peleseti, Vanessa; also my aunties Josephine and Lea. I got a phone call from Sheldon saying "I'm at Rainbows end", i was nearby with some of my family and went to meet Sheldon at the car park. I noticed his legs were injured; he told me he called a taxi, so when the taxi arrived and he hopped inside telling me he will go to the doctors tomorrow. Later on at night; i was on a dinghy boat, i had to grab something from the water but i was scared and then somehow i was reunited with my crazy family again.

Dream diaries

Ex  Crush 1/10/2011 My boyfriend was a loser and i was ready to leave him; i bumped into a guy with blonde hair, it was my crush Brad. One night Brad came over; we talked for ages; he started touching my hair and running his fingers through it before he asked me out. The next morning Brad and i were on a farm, walking on a field while holding hands but somehow ended up at a school event to help with disabled and obese children. We participated in a power walk marathon; then a swimming race and as i finished the race and exit the pool, my loser boyfriend was there! I didn't know he was friends with Brad; i walked away while my boyfriend kept yelling out "babe", i ignored him and then he tried to make a scene so i broke up with him. Brad overheard us was upset; went to get drunk so i went home. Brad called me later at night saying he misses me and needs me to pick him.

Dream diaries

Super powers 4/10/2011 One afternoon i was in the city with Sheldon and my cousin Laumata; we were meeting up with our other cousin Theresa and her boyfriend for lunch, Theresa wanted me and my boyfriend to go on a double date with them but i wasn't keen. After lunch; Sheldon and i took mata to the bus stop, then we entered in a couples game! The men stood on the outside of a building while us ladies stood on the opposite side; the men had to kick only three balls over the roof and if they're partners catch the ball, we win a free romantic date. Kolopa caught the first ball; i caught the second ball and we both caught the third ball but we gave it to one of the other ladies. Our date turned into a nightmare; we were running away from a mob of giants, we saw a two-storey house and ran inside. My sister Celina and my cousins Valentine, Shontelle were there hiding; we were all scared and ran upstairs. At the top of the stairs; there was a "Most wanted poster" of...

Dream diaries

Betrayal 25/11/2012 My family moved to a new house; there was a drink-up one night while i was visiting my friend Pamata, Sheldon didn't tell me he was going to be at the drink-up or else i would've stayed home! The next morning when i got home; i walked in my room and found my cousin Jessica sleeping next to Sheldon! Everyone else was hung over; Sheldon woke up and saw me staring at them, he just walked straight past me acting like i was invisible. He went to the bathroom; Jess woke up and said "oh when did you get home, have you taken your tablet"? i ignored her and walked to the kitchen, Sheldon walked in and started eating cereals. I went for a shower; got changed and went for a walk and just started crying. I was angry, hurt and ready to beat the shit out of both them!

Dream diaries

All babies are a gift from God 23/11/2012 I was pregnant but Sheldon didn't want me to keep the baby! So i decided we end things and go our separate ways; i chose to be a solo mom and later on my sissy Pamata wanted to live with each other. We went house hunting; found a nice two bedroom home.

Dream diaries

Second family 11/11/2012 I was with my mom and her sister Helen at the mall the also had a market; i bumped into my friend Pamata Dalosa, then the scenery changed and day-time quickly turned into night-time. Pam's dad Dado was there sitting on a sofa; while one of her brother's were jumping a bed pretending it was a trampoline, Pam pulled out her laptop to show me pictures and saying "we need to buy these photos". I suggested that we should just blue tooth pictures; one of the photos had a baby wrapped in a blueish - greenish blanket and then Dado said "i missed you, i haven't seen you in a long-time". Pam asked me if i wanted to come over for a sleepover even though they only have two rooms; i did and i slept with her in her room. The next morning; she woke me up to let me know she's going university soon and asked if i wanted to go with her. Pamata and me (Besties)


Orere point top 10 holiday park Our first family camp. Setting up the tents A new experience for our little trio; my actual first camp where i actually slept in a tent instead of a cabin, our daughter's first time and our first camp getaway as a family. Getting out of my comfort zone; especially sleeping outdoors where a rat was running around and a scary man who tried to get me alone when i went to use the loo! Overall the family quality time; bonding with my in-laws, making memories and capturing every moment was my favourite thing. (Click on the link) Sun smart Setting up the tents Marsters Siblings The babies of the family. PERSIA. Photo credit: mum in-law Janita. The game room. Dinner My daughter with her Godmother The waterhole to ourselves. Water babies. Kisses for my first seed Beautiful views. My favourite view. Sleepy heads. A private be...

Dream diaries

Party 27/10/2012 Lemond from school invited me to a party. (We we're suppose to meet up but he bailed last minute and i hooked up with a guy named Legion; whom turned out to be friends with Lemond!)

Dream diaries

Stroke 16/10/2012 Sheldon and i were with my Nana Phillies and some of my long distant relatives; An elderly lady spoke Samoan to me asking for the time, i could understand the language but i couldn't speak it, thank goodness my Nana was there to translate! We all went downstairs to hangout with all the cousins; we noticed they didn't have much food, so Sheldon and i ordered pizza. Suddenly the old lady had a stroke; she was immediately rushed to the hospital, Sheldon and i stayed back with the cousins to house sit. The house was messy; so i cleaned it up a bit, then my cousin Vanessa picked us up and we went for a little cruise. We made a pit stop and i bumped into my friend Angelica; we talked about each others day, she said "what happened to the pizza"? Sheldon interrupted and said "don't worry"; we went home and my mom was drinking with her sisters.

Dream diaries

Public speaking 15/10/2012 I was speaking to people about "special needs people" ; how we can make their wishes come true, also my story about how i broke my leg and i was able to meet Katy Perry! I had been given free tickets to her concert but i was told that i can't fly on the plane because of my broken leg; then i was taken to a meeting so i can persuade whomever and give a speech about myself with all these other people. Billy Pohahau from school was there; then a lady started selecting us one by one to say our speeches, my teacher Miss T from primary appeared as i got nervous about speaking! Billy decided he'll go up for me but Miss T insisted I'd go up and speak; so i did and i mentioned how i knew Miss T and i made everyone laugh.

Dream diaries

Cult 13/10/2012 My entire family (except for my Nana Phillies) were in a cult that lived in a concentration camp; we all had to follow someones commands, do specific tasks and obey certain rules. We all were travelling on a bus to a place where everyone assembles as a group; my Nana arrived but without the rest of our Huch family, she realised something was wrong and said to us "i told the rest of the family not to come because it's not safe and i will come alone to save all of youse"!.

Dream diaries

Sky 11/10/2012 I was with my Nana Phillies and my mom; then i was floating in the ocean, looking at the sky and i saw some clouds forming a picture in three different colours. Orange, yellow and green; the green picture was a fish; in the middle of the sky was a circle (Like the top of a fish bowl) and suddenly i could see the stars! As if i was looking straight into space. 

Dream diaries

Destiny's child ft Jay-z 13/2/2012 I went to a house party; this house was so tall, it had a lot of stairs and a tiny veranda that lead to the front door. As i entered the garage; it was so crowded! My entire family was there wishing my cousin Daniel a happy birthday; everyone was laughing and dancing all night. I went inside to use the loo and my ching-chong cousin Schnider was with my other cousins Joshua, Dylan and Klark having their own dance battle. I studied their dance moves and choreographed a mini dance routine; ending my dance with my Beyonce moves. When i was shaking my booty; i heard my cousins boys clapping and whispering "I've got dibs on her". The following day one afternoon; the family had a meeting about a hori girl claiming Daniel is the father of her baby! My dream changed ; Beyonce and Jay-z came to New Zealand to perform; Michelle and Kelly also came as special guest, everyone was so excited and my cousins Jack and Ray tried grabbing ...

Dreams diaries

Bitch fit 6/1/2012 I was in a classroom with my classmates from different schools i went too; Ferguson intermediate, James Cook high school. The twins Anton and Jordan Samupo, Bianca, Ashley and my cousin Daniel. Our teacher was one of my classmates; Sia Matai, our class had shared lunch. I was annoyed because everyone was chewing with their mouth open; so they started teasing me (except for my cousin) but i ignored them until it was home time, I've finally had enough and lost it! I said to everyone "The world is ending soon bitches and i wish yous all a fucking painful death that will make yous suffer"!. The teacher got upset and said "I'm going to smack you're bottom"; i ran off and she started chasing me, calling me a "stupid bitch"!. I laughed and said "thank you" and pretended it was a compliment, i called my sister Celina to say i was on my way home.

Dream diaries

Boy/friend's 7/12/2011 I was in someone else's house; i heard a guy calling me to come to the bedroom so i went to see who it was and it was Dylan Harris. He said "sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the mattress on the floor". A lady came into the room to check in on us and he called her mum; she said to me "stay for as long as you want or whenever you want". Dylan and i became close; talking about making things between us official! The next night; my family wanted a  meeting with me, about me and it was held at auntie Alisi house. Out of the blues; my ex-boyfriend Aaron Kaitau showed up for an unexpected visit wanting to talk to me but, my cousin Daniel stopped me at the door on my way out. He said "don't make the same mistakes" so i didn't go and talk to Aaron.

Dream diaries

Swimming 2/12/2011 I was standing in a lake; next to this lake was the ocean, i was swimming between the cones and i saw a pile of wood. I heard my dad calling me saying "go collect the wood and swim to me". As i got closer to the wood; the water got colder, my foot got cramps and i started to panic! I was yelling out for help before i passed out; i woke up at the doctors getting a check-up but for my vagina. Then i remembered that my cousin Tui stole my mp4 player.

Dream diaries

Family is all i need 4/4/2012 I was pregnant to a pathetic drunk; who got arrested for stealing alcohol! It happened when we were at a gas station; i didn't care about him anymore, so i left him and went to meet my family at an unknown building. Then i went into an elevator with my cousin Seti; before she got off, i asked her "which floor will take me to the underground parking"? and she replied "ground". When i arrived at the car park; i got into my car and went home. The next morning; i was with my cousin Tui; we were hanging out before he dropped me off to an empty house that had varnished floors, white cemented walls. I saw a sliding door and said to myself "I'll laugh if that has no glass in it" and there was none. I stepped outside; it lead me to a balcony with a beautiful ocean view (it felt and looked like Greece). My mom's side of the family were suddenly all there; the location changed, we were all having a family sports day ...

Dream diaries

Bus rides 29/5/2013 I was sitting on a bus in the seat behind the bus driver. As the bus stopped at the first stop; i didn't notice my cousin Daniel was sitting way in the back of the bus. At the next stop; my Nana Phillies came onto the bus and she sat by the exit door in the middle of the bus. She was talking to the bus driver and then he stopped at the bus stop near her street. We all hopped off the bus and finally noticed each other and started laughing together. The next day i was on the bus again; i arrived at the airport, my mom was there with my brother Leeroy and sister Celina. Also, my auntie Helen was there with my cousins Valentine, Phoebe, Dylan and Troy.

Dream diaries

Broken trust 26/5/2013 Sheldon went out; got drunk but didn't return home until the next day in the afternoon! I felt a weird vibe; things somehow felt weird; a few days had passed and he confessed he kissed another girl at the party! He said "i swear that's all that happened", i was upset and stopped talking to him.

Dream diaries

Hormonal pregnancy 13/6/2012 I was dating a guy that had coloured eyes and fair skin;we were expecting a baby together. We attended an event; my godparents Lea and Mark were also there, it was a long and i was ready to go home. My partner took his time; so i walked home and when i was crossing at the lights, i heard a familiar voice calling out my name! It was my boyfriend with my family inside of a white car; i was still annoyed with him, so i ignored them until i made it back home. When i arrived home i was pushing a pram and inside the pram was a baby boy who looked like my youngest brother Leeroy. The baby had a curly Afro and sitting outside the house was my brother Niko.

Dream diaries

New beau 15/6/12 I was dating a guy with fair skin; we were hanging out at his house and i stayed there two nights in a row. I was scared to go home; i knew my mom would be angry at me; because i didn't let her know i was sleeping at my boyfriend's house, so my boyfriend said he'll walk me home. On our way to my house; someone beeped the horn at us, it was my cousin Alesha. Another car beeped their car horn as well and it was my other cousin Peleseti; she did a u-turn in her car but crashed! She flew through the windscreen next to me on the sidewalk! Suddenly more of my other cousins appeared; Kirsty, Little Michael with his partner Pusi and Vanessa. They were harassing me to introduce my boyfriend to them; when i looked at my boyfriend in his hoody, i noticed the name Ayden written in black and neon green printed in the front of his jersey.

Dream diaries

Strike three.. 18/5/2013 Sheldon and i were making love on the bed in an abandon house; we were trying to be spontaneous and spice up our sex life; it started raining and the roof was leaking. Then we were inside a van but got interrupted when his phone rang; all i heard on the other end was "you're running late", so Sheldon had to leave. Our third attempt was inside our car but our family wouldn't stop texting us saying we were needed at a family event.

Dream diaries

Baby 21/5/2013 There was a sound of a crying baby coming from my sister Celina's room; no one wanted to go and get the baby. My cousin Karissa was also there; they kept telling me the house is haunted and that the baby's name is Kayla. Then the bedroom lights all switched on; a shadow figure appeared by my bedroom door, but went inside my mom's bedroom instead. Karissa started crying; no one was brave enough to get the baby so i quickly ran to the room and when i picked up the baby, i woke up.

Dream diaries

Cheater 21/7/2012 Sheldon and i got into a heated argument about him doing the sixty-nine on someone else; so we broke up. A few years later; we met at a function and my family was there too, trying to make us work things out and get back together. We eventually did; and gave it another go.

Dream diaries

Persuasion 10/4/2013 I was having a conversation with my Nana Phillies; then she asked me to get her purse and keys in a draw with the numbers 206. I was surrounded by five different Indian men; fighting over me! I pretended to like one of them so he could help me find my Nana's belongings and then i had to sneak out to get away from him.

Try this!

Thanks aunty Helen ManoĆ³ Like, Share when you see it.

Dream diaries

Travelling 12/5/2013 I was staying in a hotel for a family function with my cousins  Mata, Veronica and my  auntie Oka. We had two rooms on the bottom level and three rooms upstairs. There were two random men staying with us; one of them said he likes me and asked if it was OK if to share a room. I had a spare room but i said "no sorry; I'm sharing with the girls". Oka entered the room and told us that the two strangers room will be next to our room. I started asking myself; why are they even with us? Obviously my auntie knows them, maybe we're all related? The stranger that liked me asked Veronica to ask me if i like him? I said "No! he's not my type and i already have a boyfriend". I had no idea he was listening to our conversation; he started crying and started packing his bags! The rest of my Galuvao family showed up; they heard what had happened and started hating me! They said i was mean, i only date guys based on their appearances. I said...

Dream diaries

Phone messages 29/7/2012 There was a party at Nana's house; it didn't finish til late. The next morning; my mom, my god parents Lea and Mark were with my cousins George and Dylan. They were helping Sheldon and i clean up the mess from the party; but Sheldon was avoiding me for some reason. Every time i tried to talk to him; he would make up an excuse and then he said he's going for a shower. I waited until he finished his shower; but he knew i would be waiting, so he went somewhere and i couldn't find him. I searched for him inside and outside the house; so i asked my boy cousins, they said "he's looking for his phone". I ended up finding his phone; when suddenly he received a message, but there was no name or picture and the number was saved as "i miss her"! So i checked to see what he had named me in his contacts; but i was under "Phillis"? I read all the messages between them and i started wondering if she was his mistress? ...

Dream diaries

God is with me 6/5/2013 I lived in a two-storey house; my bedroom looked exactly the same as my old room. As i was asleep; i heard a knock on the door. It was my aunties Lea and Helen; visiting my mom for their usual chit-chats and cuppa's. Early hours in the morning; Fionna came over for an unexpected visit and collapsed by the front door. When we woke her up; we asked her "what happened and is she alright"? She said "how did i get here?" We explained to her; that she drove here; but she said she doesn't remember. She started crying; saying "no! it's been happening a lot lately". I whispered to them; "has she been possessed"? Fionna looked at me with an evil look in her eyes. I said to everyone; "I'm not gonna be here if it happens again", so i left. I got to the driveway; stopped and looked back at the house, it changed into my Nana's house and i was standing on my Nana's street! I started jogging to ...

Dream diaries

A love triangle 30/7/2012 I was walking with a man who looked like the character "Braxton" from a show called "Home and away". He was working on a field; with grey fences and he started yelling at two children. They ran to me and gave me a hug. My eyes filled with tears for an unknown reason; then he said to me "it's time for you to go". I cried as i walked away; and then i was standing outside the grey fences, talking to a guy called Hayden. He kept asking me a lot of questions about y relationship with Sheldon; then asked me if i would ever date a guy like him?.

Dream diaries

My hero 8/5/2013 I went to sleep one night; and suddenly stopped breathing. I don't know why, but i felt like i was slipping away, trying my hardest to grab a hold of my life! When i woke up; Sheldon was there by my side. All i kept saying to him was "you saved my life". His kisses always help me sleep better at night

Dream diaries

Yes! Brie mode 4/11/2016 I was with some people at a hospital; but we were being held as prisoners. We came up with a plan to escape and on our way out; i saw Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. They were at the hospital doing some test; a urine test i.e; something to do with or about their baby. Before i left; i said to them "don't trust this hospital" and then i was with my cousin Jessica. We looked at each other and said to one another "we're glad we both made it out together" because during our first attempt to escape; we both got caught. As we were walking the streets; i noticed that there were a lot of beautiful houses with white picket fences that had some gorgeous gardens.

Dream diaries

Jealousy 9/5/2013 There was a lady that liked Sheldon and when he found out about her crush; he started flirting with her! I got very jealous and trapped him inside a bottle (like a genie) and he almost suffocated but then luckily the bottle cracked open.

Dream diaries

Blessing number two 21/5/2017 I was pregnant again with my second baby; but this time i was slimmer than i was when i was carrying with Persia. I was wearing a tight black singlet and my cute baby bump was showing.

Dream diaries

Retail therapy 10/10/2012 My front teeth on the top and bottom; fell out easily. My dream changed ; I was with my cousin Laumata, shopping for a blanket but it had to be blue and pink.

Dream diaries

Zombies 4/10/2016 Sheldon's poppa Ray died. I was with Reyna at the warehouse; choosing a photo frame for poppa Ray's photo.  My dream changed ; I was inside a fancy house owned by some white people; they let me sleep over for a night. The next morning; they were talking about zombies and then they started to panic. I tried to calm them down and said "yes it's going to be scary, but we need to be prepared" and then we all grabbed a weapon. We grabbed what we needed and headed outside, there were so many! We fought a few; then we heard a little child inside a car, so i went to help and got trapped with the little kid inside the car. Some of these zombies were so strong but i managed to kill a few; as i put the window down a little bit, i was able to cut and stab them. I also killed some between the doors; as i opened and closed the door. The zombies i killed; piled up and finally we were rescued by a random guy.

Dream diaries

Don't mess with my man 22/5/17 I was with Sheldon visiting a friend of mine Athena. She had a female roommate that was looking at Sheldon like she wanted him. She walked to her room and came back to the lounge with just her robe on. Then just had the nerve to walk straight to Sheldon and grab his hand and says "follow me to my room"! I yanked her hand away and said "what for"? She replied; "i sleep with every guy that visits"! I said "well you ain't sleeping with my husband so get the fuck away from him or else I'll kill you; because he's mine, so go find you're own"! Then me and my husband left. My dream changed ; Sheldon and i were with our two daughters; riding on their girly bikes.